How much did mel gibson make off the passion of christ

Did Mel Gibson give any of his profits from The Passion of the Christ back to charity? He raked in a lot of money but I can't find anything on the internet of him sharing his profit.

The Making of 'The Passion of the Christ' Part 2/5

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If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center , please edit the question. Surprisingly to me Mel Gibson actually donates a fair amount of money to charities. Having said that, it is unclear exactly what portion of his money from what source has gone to which charity organisation, however:.

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how much did mel gibson make off the passion of christ

Questions Tags Users Badges Unanswered. Join them; it only takes a minute: Here's how it works: Anybody can ask a question Anybody can answer The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Did Mel Gibson give any of his profits back to charity?

Mel Gibson Reveals Title for "Passion of the Christ" Sequel | ChurchPOP

I don't really understand the questions relevance anyway. Where is it stated that he would give a portion of his earnings from that movie to charity? Was that something he promised when he made the movie?

The Passion of the Christ - Wikipedia

I see relevance, by exploiting a theme that is a core part of a world religion that traditionally provides social benefit, the question arouses whether he use the circumstances of the relevance of this topic to gain own profit or having a social awareness that comes with adapting that that surpasses a stalone movie or pornographic depictions.

AbdulAlHazred - I think that would only apply if Gibson at least hinted that he wants to do the Christian thing and donate part of the proceeds. Should we ask this question about another multi-millionaire actor next?

the passion of the christ - Did Mel Gibson give any of his profits back to charity? - Movies & TV Stack Exchange

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