Theorie des options caracteristiques et strategies

Theorie des options caracteristiques et strategies

Posted: QuickSite On: 14.07.2017

Qu'il veuille bien recevoir ma profonde gratitude. C'est plus qu'un remerciement que je lui dois. Phosphore P et effets du phosphate naturel sur les cultures Analyses chimiques des sols et des plantes MATERIEL ET METHODES Simulation de rendements potentiel et maximal Influence des paires de nutriments sur le recouvrement de N, P et K Calibrage de l'efficience interne Ajustement du taux de recouvrement Principe des petites parcelles de nutriments manquants Land productivity in eastern-Ogou is characterized by a poor crop yields especially maize.

In an attempt to over this problem, we conducted a study to determine the natural capability of soil to feed a maize croop and used decision support tools to develop fertilizer recommendation based on nutrient omission trials. The nutrient omission trials involved N 90 P 30 K 50 and Togo Rock phosphate TRP under two management pratices cowpea-maize and continuous maize.

Nitrogen constitutes the most limiting nutrient on maize yield. The effect of the PNT is not significant on maize yield during this first year of its application. Fertilizer recommendation was made using the QUEFTS model following calibration.

Under cowpea-maize pratice, a combination of 5 bags of urea and one bag of KCl was also recommended.

Futher research is required to confirm our currents results for a validation and diffusion in term of the amounts of fertilizers to be applied in East Ogou. Initial soil fertilityomission trialcornQUEFTSfertilizerEast-Ogou. Dans ces pays, les terres agricoles sont perdues en raison de leurs mauvaises exploitations Steiner, engendrant des pertes annuelles moyennes de la couche arable en N, P et K respectivement de 22 kg ha -12,5 kg ha -1 et 15 kg ha -1 Stoorvogel et al, La loi du minimum ou loi des facteurs limitants, est l'un des principes les plus importants de l'agronomie pratique.

La figure 1 montre que l'azote constitue le facteur limitant le rendement des cultures. Dessin illustrant la loi de Liebig. Selon Aldrich et al, ; IFA, ; Mengel et Kirkby.

L'azote N est le facteur principal de la croissance des plantes et du rendement des cultures FAO, Par ailleurs l'action excessivement intense de l'azote sur la plante a des revers: En absence de tout apport d'engrais, les plantes non fixatrices d'azote utilisent l'azote du sol durant leur cycle physiologique.

L'azote du sol et des amendements organiques ne suffisent pas pour atteindre des rendements optimums Bado, L'engrais enrichit le sol. Dans le sol, il est sous trois formes Lamijardin, L'assimilation du P dissous par les racines des plantes demande que certaines conditions soient remplies:. Malheureusement, la portion assimilable par la plante est minime. Cette forme de K est retenue entre des couches d'argile siliceuse et alumineuse.

C'est le constituant central de la chlorophylle. Il est le constituant essentiel des porteurs intervenant dans la formation de la chlorophylle. L'exportation de P est progressive. Selon Stoorvogel et al,les pertes moyennes de la couche arable en Afrique subsaharienne est de 22 kg N ha -12,5 kg P ha -1 et 15 kg K ha Principe des petites parcelles de nutriments manquants. Mini-parcelles N P K. La version DSSAT 3. Vardon et al, Il comporte le BEANGRO pour le haricotle SOYGRO pour le soja et le PNUTGRO pour l'arachide Hoogenboom et al, La version actuelle version 1.

Elle fonctionne sous MS-DOS. Son rendement moyen est de 2,5 Mg ha -1 et elle peut atteindre dans les conditions normales un maximum de 5 Mg ha -1 Alimi, Constituants Ca CO2 K Na Mg Fe Al S Cl F. Teneur 22,8 1,0 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 3, La nouvelle version 4.

Programmes des concours externes et internes - MENHN - Ministère de l'Éducation nationale, de l'Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche

La dose obtenue pour atteindre ce rendement est de N 90 P 30 K Il convient alors de le calibrer avant son utilisation. Dans un tel graphe, la ligne 1: Il est compris entre -1 et 1. Parfois l'utilisation de la ligne 1: Ainsi, la ligne 1: Elle se calcule comme suit:.

Cet ordre confirme celui d'Agbobli et Adomefa en L'exportation de K va de paire avec celle de N. F Influence du phosphore et du potassium sur le recouvrement de l'azote. On constate ici aussi que l'exportation de N va de paire avec le K que de P. F Influence de l'azote et de potassium sur le recouvrement de phosphore.

Memoire Online - Identification des éléments nutritifs majeurs limitants et des stratégies appropriées de fertilisation sous culture de maïs dans l'Ogou-Est de la région de Plateaux - Badjissaga MABA

Mais ce recouvrement est plus faible lorque le N est absent. F Influence de l'azote et de phosphore sur le recouvrement du potassium. Par ailleurs, des travaux de Fofana et al. Par ailleurs les figures 12 ci-dessous expliquent la performance du QUEFTS.

Dans ce cas la meilleure option serait pour l'agriculteur de ne pas investir dans l'acquisition des engrais. Organic residue management Soil nutrient changes and maize yield in a humid Ultisol. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems Modern Corn production 2e edit.

PublicationsIllinois ; p. Leaching of nitrogen from slow-release urea sources in sandy soils. Bacterial association with the mycorrhizosphere of the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Glomus mosseae.

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Approvisionnement, Commercialisation et demande des engrais. Soil nitrate concentration under corn as affected by tillage, manure and fertilizer applications.

L'agroforesterie pour la concentration du sol. Soil mineral nitrogen, mycorrhizae and nematodes. Plant and Soil ; New York, John Wiley and sons. Voies alimentaires des situations nutritionnelles. Ougadougou Nov Chemical characteristics and agronomical values of some phosphate rpcks in West Africa. Characteristics and agronomics values of some phosphate rocks in West Africa.

In Food grain production in semi-arid Africa. A three year evaluation of two unacidulated and partially acidulated phosphate rocks indigenous to Niger. A critical review of crop residue use as soil amendment in the West Africa Semi-arid tropics. Proceedings International conference, Addis Abeba, Ethiopia, Nov Vol 7 N05, pp world of warcraft making money with jewelcrafting R, and Coulibaly, Theorie des options caracteristiques et strategies. Fumure organique du sol: Some considerations on the relations between phosphate solubilizing rhizobacteria and their effect on seedings and plant growth related to phosphorus solubization.

In Plant growth-promotind rhizobacteria progress and prospects. Phosphore et potassium dans les relations sol-plante. Consequence sur la fertilisation. Consequences sur la fertilisation. L'intensification agricole au Sahel, edit Karthala, Paris p. Mieux comprendre les interactions sol-racine. INRA, Paris, France, p. Mucuna-herbaceous cover legume with potential for multiple uses. Resource and Crop management. Research Monograph N 0 25 IITA, Ibadan, Nageria, 52p. A comparison of various laboratory methods for predicting the agronomic potential of phosphate rock for directs application.

Dissolution of North Carolina phosphate rock in acid Colombia soils as related to soil proprieties.

Agronomic effectiveness of partially acidulated phosphate merrill lynch hp stock options as influenced by soil phosphorus -fixing capacity.

Plant and Soil Agronomic evaluation of modified phosphate rock products: Factors affecting the agronomic effectiveness of phosphate rock for direct application.

Rapport de Symposium, ppIRRI, Philippines. G and Hammond, L. Comparison of effectiveness of international Symposium on Phosphorus Requirements for Sustainable agriculture in Asia and Oceania, ppManila, IRRI. Effects of soil phosphorus on leaf development and senescence dynamics of field grown maize. DRDR, Direction Regionale du Developpement rural, Use of Linear regression and a correlation matrix to evaluate CERES3 Maize. Grace edsModeling extrems of wheat and maize crop performance in the tropics, Proceedings of a workshop, CIMMYT, El Batan MexicoAprilMexico, D.

Mineral N effects on cowpea and soybean crops in a Nigeria Soil. Plant and Soil An ex post economic impact assessment of plant forage in West Africa. Impact Assessment Series 2, stock market applebees p. Mineral nutrition of plants: John Wiley, New York. Cas typique de Tsagba.

Fertilizer and plant nutrition guide. Fao, fertilizer and plant nutrition Bulletin N 0 9 Rome. Integrated plant nutrition systems, Fao, Ferilizer and Plant Nutrition Bulletin, Rome, 12 p. Myspace stock market articles de l'alimentation et de l'agriculture.

Organisation des Nations Unies pour l'Alimentation et l'Agriculture, Rome. Utilisation des phosphates naturels pour une agriculture durable. Utilisation d'un engrais potassique. A comparison of rock phosphate-Mobilizing capacities of various crop historical stock market risk premium. Agric Trinitad Workshop on tropical soils.

Rio de Janerio, Brazil, Brazilia Academy of sciences. Fundamentals of soil science. Phosphorus sorption iso-therms for evaluating the phosphate requirements of soils. Buckles et al eds Cover crop in West Africa Contributing to sustainable agriculture: IDRC; Ottawa; Canada; IITA; Ibadan; Nageria; Sasakawa Global ; Cotonou Benin. Etude au moyen de l'azote In isotopes and radistion in reseacrch on soil-plant relationships, proceedings of a symposium IAEA.

Fao, Colombo, Vienne, IAEA, pp L'utilisation vega of binary option system download phosphates naturels pour une agriculture durable en Afrique de l'Ouest Etudes diverses sur les engrais N 0 Ammonium Versus nitrate nutrition of higher plants. Nitrogen in crop production.

ASA-CSSA-SSSA, Madison, USA, Effect of crop residues on root growth and nutrient acquisition of pearl millet in an acid sandy soil in Niger. Plant and soil, Agronomic value of unacidulated and partially acidulated phosphate rocks indigenous to the tropics. Origin, distribution and cycling of nitrogen in terrestrial ecosytems. Mineral nitrogen in the plant-soil system. New approaches to phosphorus fertilization.

Phosphorus requirements for sustainable agriculture in Asia and Oceania. Proceedings of a symposium, Marchpp, Vision pour l'alimentation, l'agriculture et l'environnement, IFPRI [en ligne]. Bioavailability of soil inorganic P in rhizosphere as affected by root incuced chemical changes: W and Boote, K.

Modeling the growth, development and yield of grain legumes using SOYGRO, PNUTGRO and BEANGRO: Root growth of maize in a comparected gravelly tropical alfisol as affected by rotation with a woody perennial, Field Crops Res. IFA International Fertilizer Industry Association. World fertilizer use manual, Is the ny stock market open on martin luther king day fertilizer Industry Association IFAParis, p.

Etudes diverses des engrais N 0 10, p. Solubilization of inorganic phosphates by microorganisms isolated from forest soils. Adaptation of the QUEFTS model to agroecological conditions forex trading strategies australia Crop in West Africa.

A report for IFDC.

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A system for quantitative evaluation of the fertility of tropical soils. Elsevier Science Publishers B. A review of the use of rock phosphate Africa. A simulation model of maize growth and development. The use of phosphate rock for direct application to soils. A simple model for predicting the rate of dissolution of sparingly soluble calicium phosphate in soil.

Pesticide and nutrient movement into sub-surface tile drains on a silt loam soil in Indiana. The behavoour and tracting of bactaria in the rhizosphere. Comparing simulated and measured values using mean squared deviation and its components. Soil erosion and land degradation: Larousse ed Plant theorie des options caracteristiques et strategies, biochestry and molecular biology, D.

Bilans de la fumure, exportations et restitutions potassiques. A revised laboratory reactivity scale for evaluating phosphate rocks for direct application. Tennessee Valley Authority, Muscle shoals, Alabama.

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Root colonization and ion nutrional status of a Pseudomonas fluorenscens in different plant species. Mucuna fallow diffusion in Southern Benin. IITA Ibadan, Nageria, 21 p. MacCl e llan, G. Phosphate deposits of tropical sub-saharan Africa. Management of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Developments in Plant Soil Sciences Dordrecht, The Netherlands, kluwer in Academy Publishers pp Principle of plant nutrition. International Potash Institue, Best foreign exchange rates sydney cbd, Switzerland, p. Donation of siderophore production from several fungi and bacteria by a modification of chrome azurol S CAS agar plate assay.

Journal of Microbiological Methods Misuse of regression for empirical validation of models. Phosphorus fertilizers in Nigeria Savannah Soils. Evaluation of three phosphate sources applied to maize at Samaru. Myths and Science of the use of Fertilizes in the tropics, SSSA Special Publication N 0 29, Soil Science Society Of AmericaAmerican Society of Agronomy, Madison, Wisconsin, USA.

Phosphorus transformations and availability under cropping and fertilization assessed by isotopic exchange. Kinetics of microbial phosphorus uptake in cultivated soils. Le phosphate dans les sols tropicaux. Growth analysis of maize yield field crops under phosphorus deficiency: Radiation use efficiency, biomass accumulation and yield components. Sustainable agriculture in the tropics: The case of potassium under maize cropping in Togo.

Longterm P and K application: Effect on corn and soybean yields and plant P and K concentrations. Pearl millet and cowpea yields in sole and intercrop systems and their after effects on soil and crop productivity. Field Crops Research Prospects for using soil microorganisms to improve the acquisition of phosphorus by plants. Leaf primordia initiation, leaf emergence and tillering in wheat Triticum aestium, L.

Soil nitrate accumulation following corn fertilized at various N rates in Pennsylvania. Use of phosphate rocks in the tropics. Evaluation of symbiotic properties and nitrogen contribution of mucuna to maize grown in the derived savana of West Africa.

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Modeling nitrogen dynamics under maize on ferralsols in Westen Africa. Humus chemistry, genesis, composition, reactions.

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Effects of cowpea in cereal rotations on subsequent crop yields under semi-arid conditions in Upper Volta. In Biological Nitrogen Fixation Technology from Tropical Agriculture. Assessment of Soil nutrient depletion in Sub Saharan Africa. Main Report 28, DLO the Winang Staring SC-DLO Wageningen, the Netherlands, p. Calculating soil nutrient balances at different scales. Influence of phosphorus solubilizing bacteria on the changes in soil available phosphorus and sugar cane and sugar yields.

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Sustainable agriculture in the semi arid tropics through biological nitrogen fixation in grain legumes. Nutrinent elements in grassland: CABI Publishing, Wallingford UK. Improving farming livehoods in sub-Saharan Africa: Soils dominants du Togo. In Rapport sur les ressources en sol du monde The factor of time: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Precision Agriculture.

Robert and al, edsMadison, WI, ASA, CSSA, SSSA. Phosphate rock dissolution and transformation in the rhizosphere of tea Camelia sinensis, L. European Journal of Soil. Facteur A 1 Facteur C 4 Facteur B 1 Facteur B 4 Rechercher sur le site: Constituants Ca CO2 K Na Mg Fe Al S Cl F Teneur 22,8 1,0 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 3, Mode de gestion sNi aNi N P K N P K FI kg ha -1 11,9 6,29 19 I kg kg -1 N P K Accumulation 32 88 18 Dilution 88 Type de parcelle C.

Disponible en mode multipage. A l'IFDC-Division Afrique, mes hommages vont: NOTION DE FACTEUR LIMITANT ET LOI DE LIEBIG 8 1. Azote N 9 1. Phosphore P et effets du phosphate naturel sur les cultures 14 1. Potassium K 22 1. Analyses chimiques des sols et des plantes 27 1.

Observations visuelles 27 1. Essais soustractifs 28 1. MATERIEL ET METHODES 34 2. Simulation de rendements potentiel et maximal 38 2.

Influence des paires de nutriments sur le recouvrement de N, P et K 56 3. Calibrage de l'efficience interne 63 3. Ajustement du taux de recouvrement 64 3.

Principe des petites parcelles de nutriments manquants 28 Tableau 5: Dessin illustrant la loi de Liebig 8 Figure 2: Tables d'ANOVA 85 Annexe 2: Coefficient de Variation DA: Decision Support System for Agrotechnology Transfer EI: Erosion Productivity Impact Exp: Organisation des Nations Unies pour l'Alimentation et l'Agriculture FI: Gestion des Ressources Naturelles IFDC: Institut Togolais de Recherche Agronomique K: Normalized Root Mean Square Error P: QUantative Evaluation of the Fertility of Tropical Soil R: Coefficient de correlation Rdt: Root Mean Squared Error RMSD: Taux de Recouvrement TRP Togo Rock Phosphate Trts Traitements TSP: Le sol dans la production agricole 1.

Rdt 1 moyen kg ha Rdt moyen kg ha Rdt grain kg ha Rdt paille kg ha PK 0N NK 0P NP 0K NPK Tem. PK NK NP NPK Tem.

Taux de recouvrement de. Efficience interne kg kg Rendement kg ha

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